I found a few duplication glitches. One was ghost souls in the haunted house. I did so by finding the lanter oil and found myself with like 28 souls. The other is with the camp tent with the chest. I put in 50 tokens in the chest but my inventory still had 50. I did it again and the chest had 100 and I still had 50. Also the Inn at Azuenne, I got food but my money didnt deplete. Those are the one I thought worth mentioning. Theres a glitch with the switch puzzle but I've seen the comments about so I wont mention it. All that being sed, I really really love the update and the game as a hole. It's like the gae of my (wet) dreams ;). There was a lot more to it then I thoght. Keep up the good hard (very hard) work. Hope to see more of you ideas soon. (I have some ideas for Ant liz but I've already went an long enough) Bye:)
Thank you so much for playing I'm glad you enjoyed the game. The ghoul souls duplication should be fixed in the latest bugfix version along with the camp tent (not supposed to even exist for this update lol😭)
Two questions: 1. How do you find out about Astolfo's favorite food? I've talked to pretty much every NPC in the town and got nothing. 2. Is it possible to get the Bertha Feed without going to the Red Light District? Is the reward gassy stuff as well, which is why it's in an optional area?
after I leave through the stone gate and get back to the cave entrance, there's nothing else I can do, I remember there being some pirates at the beach and they dropped some kind of map (which doesn't seem to be in my inventory tho) and then there's 2 docks, one with a boat, but it's not interactable. Is there something else I'm missing?
go down the wooden plants you'll see on argard Beach and you'll see the drunkard sailor intercat with him to go back to azuenna then to the alchemist, and after getting the elixir gi back to the elf house
the sailor isn't there for me, I've got the Eldritch Hellmelon, Moonlit Dewdrop, Ethereal Blossom and the Aetherfruit, I think that should be all the ingredients right? iirc it also said smth along the lines of "we have all ingredients, time to head back" so idk if I'm still missing something or if it's a bug
you got all the ingredients...did you walk down the wooden plank that extends into the ocean in argard Beach? The sailor should be at the end of it. You got to wall quite a bit down the plank to see him
Hm...have you tried reloading the save? Or deleting the game and reinstalling it? I'm not sure hw to fix otherwise because I didn't encounter that problem sorry
the teddy bear in child room, large hole by the side of the stairs in the super fancy bedroom, and completely the 10 ghosts quests which can be found within the scret passage behind the fire place! Hero of cock is unlocked as you progress further in the game, when you unlock the hidden mirror entrance in the library and enter the boss room from there
yup because some of the enemies drop cock tokens and cant have that dropped before the hero of cock is unlocked! Trying to find another way to make that work out but yea so far that;s the only solution i ha
Out of curiosity, how often do you plan on updating? this is super quality content so don't take this as pressure or anything. just want to take note. great work on the game!
well, the next update will take longer since I'll be on a break and all sooo yea! Can't tell anything for sure just yet but will always make an dev update on my discord channel~
I think it's the same with the puzzle in the cave, the one where is an owl used to reset it.
UPD: Tried again - red button sometimes stops reacting when you push a boulder on it, fixed by reset. Last of the previously pressed buttons is pushing itself after each reset.
Hey, sorry to ask, but I am having trouble filling out that guy's request. I am only seeing 2 houses on the port: 1 of them being blocked by the sailor and the other locked with no other way of getting in.
Stuck same place found the secret room but when I interact small sound but nothing happen and in the secret room only a brief description no other interaction
if you mean the stone, it just asks for ground floor or previous floor. the warp things lead nowhere. having a lot of difficulty. ground floor takes me to the start of temple and the previous floor not that great. sometimes gat lines of dont fall. walk through please
so go to the ground floor and walk towards the west of argard forest, you'll see a windportal there! Using that you can head to the 3rd ingredient location the mansion!
Just like Siris, I got softlocked after coming to this part of the game inside the Wind Temple. Is there a specific order the rocks should be placed or something or is it just bugged?
If that's the case, what is the right order or where can I find the order to the puzzle? Btw, the blue button is constantly pressed down even without a boulder on top of it now
Edit: Wait, nevermind, I backtracked and saw the hint XD
I think the rock sliding puzzle in the wind temple is bugged, even after putting the rocks in the right order the gate won't open, unless I'm doing something wrong
alright so apparently this bug is cause because you didn't do it the first try, so thats the problem you have to get it in the first try! Should be fixed in the bug fix version where you press the lever to fix it!
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I found a few duplication glitches. One was ghost souls in the haunted house. I did so by finding the lanter oil and found myself with like 28 souls. The other is with the camp tent with the chest. I put in 50 tokens in the chest but my inventory still had 50. I did it again and the chest had 100 and I still had 50. Also the Inn at Azuenne, I got food but my money didnt deplete. Those are the one I thought worth mentioning. Theres a glitch with the switch puzzle but I've seen the comments about so I wont mention it. All that being sed, I really really love the update and the game as a hole. It's like the gae of my (wet) dreams ;). There was a lot more to it then I thoght. Keep up the good hard (very hard) work. Hope to see more of you ideas soon. (I have some ideas for Ant liz but I've already went an long enough) Bye:)
Thank you so much for playing I'm glad you enjoyed the game. The ghoul souls duplication should be fixed in the latest bugfix version along with the camp tent (not supposed to even exist for this update lol😭)
please tell me how do i escape the stupid maze with the fake walls i need to know :(
Look for walls with cracks and greenier grass tiles near them - they are fake and after interaction you go through them.
To go further - you need to slay all 4 mini-bosses of the maze. And tip before you ask - be sure to look around volcanic part for Frieren's item.
how do i escape the maze
Good work, Love to see more
Have you considered making a gallery to view seen content? Loved the game wish their was a little more vore personally.
Yes, it is in plans (already got asked down in the comments.)
I very much love what you've done with the game so far! Personally I wish there was more vore in it but the hyper and gas make up for it~
thanks a lot for the feedback and im glad you enjoyed the game!
Hi I cann't find the Pregnancy content or bimbofication content and was wondering where to find them?
pregnancy and bimbofication content can be seen within the abandoned mansion of argard part
Oh okay Thanks for telling m
Getting this bug when I try to edit the ring slot of any character. Could be because you updated something with the equipment page between versions?

To be clear, I did pull in my save from the last version
Yea so since new equipment types were added, the saves from previous versions will be incompatible!
Ah, good to know. Unfortunate, though.
is there a walkthrough somewher?
Unfortunately not that I'm aware of
Loved i, thank you for this uptade
Only complain i have is that there isn't enough farts... But honestly for me it never will~ Jokes aside really liked it, great work!
Also is size 6 the max this game will have?
Planning on adding more~ btw thanks a lot for the feedback
This is an awsome game thanks for making it.
Thanks a lot for playing jt!
Two questions:
1. How do you find out about Astolfo's favorite food? I've talked to pretty much every NPC in the town and got nothing.
2. Is it possible to get the Bertha Feed without going to the Red Light District? Is the reward gassy stuff as well, which is why it's in an optional area?
Where do you find Astolfo?
Azuenna south, right to the guard house in the training area
1. Talk to the guards near astolfo jts meatplattet
2. As of now no should be fixed jn the next updat
How do I cook meat for Astolfo? I’m looking for recipes but I’m not sure where to find them.
I've got 3 ingredients, where is the fourth?
Also where is the Grimoire of expansion I swear i've looked everywhere.
It is within the maze in the lava region in one of the chests
One is in the caves one is in the wind temple one is jn the mansion and one is in the maze....there are all accessible from the exits jn argard forest
Awesome game hope you continue to have fun making it
I loved making the game and Im glad you enjoyed it
got all the ingredients but how do I leave the island?
Backtrack the way you entered the forest, through the stone gates portals
after I leave through the stone gate and get back to the cave entrance, there's nothing else I can do, I remember there being some pirates at the beach and they dropped some kind of map (which doesn't seem to be in my inventory tho) and then there's 2 docks, one with a boat, but it's not interactable. Is there something else I'm missing?
go down the wooden plants you'll see on argard Beach and you'll see the drunkard sailor intercat with him to go back to azuenna then to the alchemist, and after getting the elixir gi back to the elf house
the sailor isn't there for me, I've got the Eldritch Hellmelon, Moonlit Dewdrop, Ethereal Blossom and the Aetherfruit, I think that should be all the ingredients right? iirc it also said smth along the lines of "we have all ingredients, time to head back" so idk if I'm still missing something or if it's a bug
you got all the ingredients...did you walk down the wooden plank that extends into the ocean in argard Beach? The sailor should be at the end of it. You got to wall quite a bit down the plank to see him
Got through main questline, but there's also a side quests, where can i find them?
Interact with npcs
Why when i fight the reaper the game is always force close?
Hm...have you tried reloading the save? Or deleting the game and reinstalling it? I'm not sure hw to fix otherwise because I didn't encounter that problem sorry
Maybe because i play at phone?
that also may be the case
that also may be the case
In the future will there be summoning abilities? like Shirou can make a simi sentient fart cloud as a trap an enemy attacks it and it damage them.
Where is the third hidden key in the mansion? Also where do you find the hero of cock ?
the teddy bear in child room, large hole by the side of the stairs in the super fancy bedroom, and completely the 10 ghosts quests which can be found within the scret passage behind the fire place! Hero of cock is unlocked as you progress further in the game, when you unlock the hidden mirror entrance in the library and enter the boss room from there
cool thanks, one more question. What book was Frieren wanting? never mind found it.
grimoire of expansion!
the ghost at the top left in the library of the haunted mansion is stuck and can't be killed
should be fixed in the recent bugfix update
that was fun, quite thoroughly enjoyed that mate.
Quick question were random encounter meant to be turned off until the end of the game?
yup because some of the enemies drop cock tokens and cant have that dropped before the hero of cock is unlocked! Trying to find another way to make that work out but yea so far that;s the only solution i ha
Out of curiosity, how often do you plan on updating? this is super quality content so don't take this as pressure or anything. just want to take note. great work on the game!
well, the next update will take longer since I'll be on a break and all sooo yea! Can't tell anything for sure just yet but will always make an dev update on my discord channel~
I killed all the ghost in the mansion but none of them respawned, so how I get more ghost essence?
you'll need 10 ghost essence for the quest and there are 10 ghosts ingame so shouldn't matter since the ghosts will always drop ghost essence!
Trying to equip anything to the "specialty" slots or the accessory slot causes the game to error and forces a restart
hmm....did you load a save from one of the previous versions?
I did, is that causing the issue
yes that should be the cause of the issue! Any saves from game version previous
of 3.1.1 should be incompatible
I'm playing on the bug fix and I'm stuck at the wind temple puzzle
did you roll the boulders onto the buttons in the right order?
In right and in reversed. It pings with every boulder, but in the end gates aren't opening.
hmm....there is abug with that segment where you have to get it in the first try!
I think it's the same with the puzzle in the cave, the one where is an owl used to reset it.
UPD: Tried again - red button sometimes stops reacting when you push a boulder on it, fixed by reset. Last of the previously pressed buttons is pushing itself after each reset.
so when I was stuck I did but there was no noise at all. reset the room a few times with the lever and left the room. for some reason that work?
The fishing crew gave me an assignment that I missed too soon.
where is the storage with rats?
guarded by a sailor npc
is it the same guard who made the request
no you should find a house with a npc infront of it in the port!
Hey, sorry to ask, but I am having trouble filling out that guy's request. I am only seeing 2 houses on the port: 1 of them being blocked by the sailor and the other locked with no other way of getting in.
yes so talk to the sailor blocking the house! (p.s talk to him facing him from the front, not the sides!)
What should i do in the mansion of the forgotten ones?
explore it and find 3 hidden keys to get past the hidden mirror passage
I only killed 8 ghosts,where are the rest?
I skipped past too much dialogue, one of the crew members the one by the storage house, what did he want?
Kill all the rats.
roll the boulders into the buttons according to the order shown in the previous room!
Stuck same place found the secret room but when I interact small sound but nothing happen and in the secret room only a brief description no other interaction
lost on what to do here. have the amulet, the boots atherfruit and killed the dragon. what do i do from here?
been walking in a circle for 30 minutes, been trying to interact with crystals but nothing happens. at a lost, what do
should go to the gate! It's present in the northen passage in the skyisland!
if you mean the stone, it just asks for ground floor or previous floor. the warp things lead nowhere. having a lot of difficulty. ground floor takes me to the start of temple and the previous floor not that great. sometimes gat lines of dont fall. walk through please
so go to the ground floor and walk towards the west of argard forest, you'll see a windportal there! Using that you can head to the 3rd ingredient location the mansion!
thank you. you do good work. appreciate the help and love the game. keen for the pregnant hero after seeing the mansion part.
will the heros be able to mix or trade tokens in future updates?
thanks a lot for the feedback! And for the heros mixing tokens....prolly not unfortunately. But preggo hero is gonna be big for sure~
Wow, what a coincidence. Was just dreaming of a romantic scene between Shirou and Sarah last night. :D
There seems to be a bug that crashes the game whenever you open a character's accessory inventory.
did you use a old save from previous versions ?Should work if you load a new one!
I see, I’ll try that then
you didn't do in the right order! Or if you did, downloaded the bugfix ver and press the lever! Should work then
If that's the case, what is the right order or where can I find the order to the puzzle? Btw, the blue button is constantly pressed down even without a boulder on top of it now
Edit: Wait, nevermind, I backtracked and saw the hint XD
where do i find the feedding bertha thing
Check out the redlight district within the sewers! Once in the district, explore the houses in there for a bit!
so i talked to the guy next to the coffin and nothing happened? Where's the place to get into the red light district?
you should interact with the coffin!
Also keep in mind that to enter the district you'll need the x1 Captain's Stamp
I'm in front but nothing is happening
I also chose no to the gassy stuff? Now it's just nothing is happening
I think the rock sliding puzzle in the wind temple is bugged, even after putting the rocks in the right order the gate won't open, unless I'm doing something wrong
also having this trouble. the green button does not make a sound. whats going on?
love the game so far, just want to get further into the game. help please
alright so apparently this bug is cause because you didn't do it the first try, so thats the problem you have to get it in the first try! Should be fixed in the bug fix version where you press the lever to fix it!
sorry worked it out. you have to do each one seperatly and hit the button with the rock before moving on. bit crazy but got it. cheers man
So does that mean I have to restart my game?